Laptop and Netbook Policies/Info
Netbook and Laptop Policies and Information
Laptops/Netbooks are available for your student to check out on a loaner basis if they do not have computer access at home. In most cases, it will be limited to a weekend or 2-3 days – but in rare, special occasions, students can check out a loaner device for longer periods of time.
When students from Emerson High School are interested in taking a LWSD Laptop/Netbook home, there are two agreement sheets that need to be returned to the EMHS office. Click links for printable PDFs.
1. STUDENT/PARENT LAPTOP AGREEMENT -- needs to be signed by both parent and student and returned
2. LWSD STUDENT LAPTOP CHECKOUT REVIEW FORM – needs to go home to parent and returned. The Lake Washington School District Student/Parent Laptop Agreement states that students are responsible for loss/damage to the district provided netbook when checked out from Emerson High School. See below for a list of associated fines to repair/replace the netbook if damage occurs. Before another netbook can be checked out to the student, the fine must be paid in full. Checks can be made out to Emerson High School.
Mobile device- nothing returned | $450.00 |
Battery | $ 55.00 |
Power supply (complete with brick & power cord) | $ 35.00 |
Cracked or broken screen | $80.00 |
Damaged LCD Bezel | $45.00 |
Damaged top case | $80.00 |
Damaged lower case | $80.00 |
Damaged palm rest | $80.00 |
Hard Drive replacement | $70.00 |
Damaged battery | $55.00 |
Damaged keyboard replacement | $70.00 |
Missing keys(s) replaced | $10.00 |
Main system board replacement | $280.00 |
Secondary Mobile Access for Students -- Laptop Handbook
If you are unable to pay the full amount due when damage occurs, please contact our bookkeeper to establish a payment plan. You can contact Mary Osness at or 425-936-2300. It may also be possible for us to set up a way for your student to work off a portion of the fine by working in our cafeteria for a portion of their lunch period. In addition, we would like to point out insurance options:
OPTION 1: Self-insure. If damage occurs, the school will look to you to pay any fine for damage or loss.
OPTION 2: Contact your Homeowner's insurance provider to inquire about possible options to insure your child's netbook.
OPTION 3: Contact the Worth Group for their plan offering coverage for a fee. Should families choose to purchase insurance from Worth Ave. they will deal directly with the insurance company, purchase an individual policy and pay their premium to them. The policy is for one year with zero deductible. Worth Ave. Insurance also provides their own netbook repair depot. If a checked out student netbook is damaged and the parent has purchased a Worth Ave. insurance policy, the netbook will be sent directly to them for assessment and repair. The insurance company provides the family all the shipping materials necessary to mail the damaged device to them. This will be one exception to our district repair process.